Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Neckline Slimmer: REALLY?

Being a cartoonist, I like to stay up late and work when the phones aren't ringing here in the studio, and then watch a bit of TV or read before bed. The problem with watching TV? Weird infomercials late at night. A popular one right now is the "neckline slimmer". I don't know if you've seen it, but it runs where I live all night long.

Supposedly, with this little device you can take years from your face, firming your jawline, etc. Now I don't want to be skeptical, but.... REALLY? Come on!

If anyone has used one of these and HAS had the desired results, feel free to let me know.



  1. That is so retarded! That sooooo would never work! LOL.

  2. Please tell me they're not selling a kajillion of these!

  3. The "Neck cap" is what I seen alot of my boys use, It looks like an old leather football helmet with long straps by the ears. A weight is placed at the bottom with the straps running thru the middle of it, anchoring off under the weight.In a semi crouched position with you nod your head in as many rep's as you can handle. Also laying on your back ( on a bench of course) they'd do the same nod while supporting the front of the cap with their hands. then on their stomach's the same thing.
