Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dr. Ellington Darden

My trainer, Dr. Ellington Darden, whom I've mentioned many times on here, is creating an all new website. So, he had me draw this cartoon version of him for it. He's 66 now, so I had to draw an older, but still very buff guy for this (like he is). Hope you like it.


  1. Ive always wondered, and maybe this is in his living longer stronger book, but there comes a point where you stop gaining, either in mass, or in strength. How does one know when they've hit that peak? Weird question but- how does Dr. Darden look in a tank top? i know it sounds strange but he was impressive in his youth.

  2. Ell is pretty darn good shape for 66, let me tell you. There's a couple of pix of him over at his website, on the Forum pages, that are from this past summer. Still has those crazy wide shoulders and great chest. Probably about 12-15% BF, which is incredible for anyone, much less his age.

    Tank top? Who knows... he's a really down to earth, old school kind of guy ( a really good friend now, if you can't tell)... I doubt you'd catch him in a tank top EVER. Just not his style these days.

    AS for peaking, I think it really comes down to, when you're older, maintaining, and staying injury free. You can probably still keep growing for a long, long time... but avoiding crippling injuries is the problem.

    Ell still pushes himself, and even though he's definitely in the maintaining stage, he's always trying new things in his workouts.
